WHMIS 2015 Trainers PAK

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Price: $475.00

Product description

Our WHMIS 2015 Trainer’s Pak consists of: A detailed, electronic trainers manual with a WHMIS 2015 workbook in a large format to utilize for training purposes, resources (contact numbers, checklist, answer keys), each applicable Regulation and Legislation related to WHMIS 2015, handouts, exercises and competency exam, all available to print. Also included are a laminated WHMIS 2015 wall poster, 10 WHMIS 2015 pocketbooks, 10 WHMIS 2015 certificates, 10 WHMIS 2015 Mini Posters, and an interactive PowerPoint. This package allows an instructor or facilitator to develop their own training course while following our simple step by step program.

NOTE: Price does not include shipping and taxes.

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